Thursday, January 3, 2008

Babies, babies, babies

How could I forget??? The past year was a great one for the babies. In my circle there were four new babies in 2007. Keep on trucking little mamas.

There were nearly that many engagements in my circle of friends as well. So I'm calling 2008, year of the weddings.

Soon enough I will figure out how to post photos and you can see all the gooey baby and wedding stuff you ever wanted. I'm already taking bets at who is next on the rock road...and who will be first in the baby making. Nobody's holding their breath on that one.

Oh, and also...I've been doing Weight Watchers since July and hit my goal weight today!! Watch out Jane Fonda....I'm gonna aerobocize you!!


Ryan said...

Cool thing for your new blog: Google Analytics. Go here:

Kathryn and Ryan said...

Congrats on reaching the goal weight!